Massage Services


People from all walks of life are discovering the health-enhancing benefits of Massage Therapy. One of the most ancient healing arts, this branch of natural health care spans a vast variety of therapeutic approaches working to improve one's health and well-being through the hands-on manipulation of muscles and other soft tissues of the body. Allow our AMTA-certified massage therapist to introduce you to the benefits of massage therapy. 

Each massage session can be customized to address your specific needs and concerns.



Areas of Expertise

Deep Tissue / Myofascial Release

Technique releasing chronic patterns of tension in the body characterized by slow strokes and deep, but not painful, pressure on muscles, tendons, and fascia. 

Trigger Point

A technique where pressure is applied to specific points on the body to release muscular tension. 

Relaxation Massage

Characterized by familiar long strokes, kneading, friction, and percussion techniques used primarily for general relaxation, health enhancement, and relief of muscle tension. 

Prenatal Massage

Techniques focusing on comfort and relaxation for expectant women (after 1st trimester) utilizing position with proper supporting of head, abdomen, and legs. Particular attention is given to areas of increased stress, such as the lower back. Please call our massage therapist before scheduling this appointment.

Sports Massage

Techniques for the treatment and prevention of and more importantly, the prevention of many injuries and discomforts connected with various sports. 

Hot Stone Massage

The application of heated stones (thermotherapy) to the body during deep tissue massage. The penetrating heat of the hot stones prepares the body for deeper work. Trigger points dissolve and fade with minimal effort.



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